Teacher Gains: How To Claim Your Fun Stationery
If you’re a teacher reading this, I take my hat off to you. Teaching kids in typical circumstances takes a whole lot of grit, teaching during 2020 and 2021? Almost impossible. So, it goes without saying finding tools to help you teach and spark a little joy in your students day has never been so crucial.
The good news for you is that the majority of your teacher resources are tax deductible! Before we get into the fun stuff, some things to keep in mind before you claim:
- you must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
- it must be directly related to earning your income
- you must have a record to prove it
* You can only claim the work-related part of expenses. You can’t claim a deduction for any part of the expense that relates to personal use. Not sure? Check in with your Tax Agent.
Fun Stuff For Teachers
I’m incredibly fortunate to have worked with Uyen at TeachitCo for two years now. I’ve witnessed her creativity flourish in her business and to see her range expand to the level it is now is incredible.
If you’re after personalised stamps (also digital stamps!), stickers, lanyards, coffee cups, educational resources and even a quarterly creative subscription box just for teachers…TeachitCo is the online retailer for you.

The best news is, as long as you’ve used these beautiful pieces for work and you paid for them yourself, you can claim them in your tax.
Lisa x
PS – there are loads of other super cool items in Uyens shop, just not all are tax deductible.